Human Rights, Environment & Social Studies

International Parliamentarian Support to the Question of Palestine

View to Jerusalem old city at sunset. Israel

The UN Palestinian Rights Committee will organize the Virtual Event on “International Parliamentarian Support to the Question of Palestine” on 18 May 2021 from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. (New York Time), via Interprefy in the official languages of the United Nations. The event will also be livestreamed on UN Web TV.

The event will be organised as an interactive discussion in two panels of parliamentarians from different parts of the world. Among the speakers will be Mr. Francisco Chahuan (Member of Parliament, Chile), Ms. Julie Elliott (Member of Parliament, UK), Mr. Hubert Julien-Laferrière (Member of Parliament, France), Mr. Solomon Lechesa Tsenoli (Member of Parliament, South Africa) and others.

The Forum aims to strengthen international efforts to resolve the question of Palestine based on international law and relevant UN resolutions and will focus on parliamentarian support on: (1) the full implementation of UN Security Council resolution 2334 (2016) including through incorporation of its requirements into national legislation; and (2) the revival of multilateral efforts for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

Participants will consist of Committee Members/Observers, the invited parliamentarians, and other Member States. Intergovernmental and civil society organizations as well as the public and media will be invited to follow the event and pose questions.hile participation in the virtual platform will be limited to UN Member and Observer State, as well as the parliamentarians, the general public can send their questions via the Committee Facebook page, Twitter account, the e-mail and WhatsApp (+1 646 421 0579).

For further information, please visit are encouraged to use the hashtags #Rights4Palestine and #ForPalestineRefugees on their social media and to tag the Committee’s social media pages using Twitter & Instagram: @UNISPAL, Facebook: @UN.palestinianrights.

Watch the live stream on UN Web TV:  

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