We, the Malaysian Interfaith Climate Change Network (MICCN) consisting of the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) and Friendship Group of Inter Religious...
ByPress ReleaseJanuary 16, 2021Krisis kesihatan global COVID-19 adalah masa untuk merenungkan perkara-perkara yang benar-benar kita hargai dan keperluan paling asas kita. Masa-masa yang tidak menentu ini...
ByPress ReleaseOctober 16, 2020Muslim Youth Movement Malaysia (ABIM) refers to the decision of International Court of Justice (ICJ) on a request for emergency measures in a...
ByPress ReleaseJanuary 24, 2020As Australia continues to be ravaged by wildfires with unprecedented destruction of its environment, we are deeply concerned with the rising numbers of...
ByPress ReleaseJanuary 11, 2020KUALA LUMPUR 25 November 2019 – After a series of meetings between UK’s Environment Agency (EA) with the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology,...
ByContributor LNANovember 25, 2019[Media Release] 1 October 2019 / 2 Safar 1441H PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MUST STOP ALL ATTROCITIES AGAINST MUSLIM UYGHURS IN XINJIANG The...
ByPress ReleaseOctober 4, 2019KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 18)—KELAB ALAM TODAY welcomes the government’s proposal that was shared during the Mid-Term Review of the Eleventh Malaysia Plan today....
ByPress ReleaseOctober 18, 201830th September 2018, Bandar Baru Bangi – The World River Clean Up day happens in September every year. For Bangi area, the River...
ByAJ BlackSeptember 30, 2018Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan, renowned lawyer and human rights activist from Malaysia. Growing up in a nurturing and open environment, she enjoys speaking her...
ByAJ BlackJune 29, 2017From the Interfaith Dialogue on the concept of fasting in different religions and belief in Malaysia. What are our similarities? On 20th June,...
ByAJ BlackJune 21, 2017