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Opinion @ My LNA

Parliamentary democracy is the solution for our nation – Liew Chin Tong

By Liew Chin Tong Winston Churchill is attributed as saying “democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” Today,...

Politik @ My LNA

What Has Befallen On Our Foreign Policy

Earlier today, FMT reported that the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) was deployed to intercept 16 of China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force...

Politik @ My LNA

When will the teachers get their vaccines as KJ promised in March that they would be prioritised in phase 2? And if the delay is because Malaysia does not receive the vaccines we targeted in May? – Teo Nie Ching

Coordinating Minister for the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme Khairy Jamaluddin announced on March 25 on his twitter that apart from certain economic sectors,...

Kenyataan MediaPendapat @ My LNAPolitik @ My LNA


Kementerian Pengangkutan telah mengakui bahawa lintasan pesawat Israel di ruang udara Malaysia sememangnya dibenarkan oleh pihak kerajaan. Malah dalam kenyataan tersebut seakan-akannya kita...

COVID-19 @ My LNAOpinion @ My LNA

Yeo Bee Yin: Putting Vaccination Rates Comparison into Perspectives

The question of how we are doing in term of vaccination can be a tricky one. Who do we compare ourselves to and...

Human Rights, Environment & Social StudiesKenyataan MediaPolitik @ My LNA

Statement on Crisis in Palestine – Tariq Ismail

The ongoing conflict between the Zionist regime of Israel and Palestinians is of gravest concern as it is likely to further ignite the...

Niaga @ My LNAPendapat @ My LNA

Sudah tiba masanya untuk membuka semula pawagam secara berperingkat dan patuhi SOP

Kenyataan Media Dr Ong Kian Ming, Ahli Parlimen Bangi merangkap Penolong Pengarah Pendidikan Politik Kebangsaan DAP pada hari Selasa, 2 Mac 2021 Sebilangan...

AMKenyataan MediaPolitik @ My LNA


Johor ialah sebuah negeri yang mencipta keajaibannya yang tersendiri apabila setelah berpuluh tahun dikuasai UMNO, Johor akhirnya jatuh ke tangan Pakatan Harapan semasa...

Opinion @ My LNA

Now everyone started to talk about MITRA, previously SEDIC, and its contributions to our Indian community

Now everyone started to talk about MITRA, previously SEDIC, and its contributions to our Indian community. Why there should be a special allocation...

Pendapat @ My LNAPendidikan @ My LNA

Aku dan Guru – Dr Radzi Jidin

Aku dan Guru Aku di siniBukan kerana aku dilahirkan bijakBukan kerana aku dilahirkan pandaiBukan kerana aku dilahirkan pintarTidak juga kerana aku dilahirkan hebat...