Kenyataan Media

Statement by Hon. Loke Siew Fook, Minister of Transport Malaysia at the 40th Session of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) General Assembly on 28th September 2019 in Montreal, Canada


President of the Assembly,

The President of the Council and the Secretary General of ICAO,

Honourable Heads of Delegation,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

  1. It is indeed an honour for me, to represent Malaysia and address this 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly. Let me also take this opportunity to convey our appreciation for the warm hospitality here in Montreal.
  2. We are here today in recognition of the leading role of ICAO in ensuring the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation. I take this opportunity to reaffirm the Malaysian Government’s commitment to the Organisation. Malaysia appreciates the work done by ICAO and we assure you of our fullest support.
  3. Malaysia will continue to participate actively and support ICAO in its ongoing mission to support and enable a global air transport network and the strategic objectives on safety, air navigation, security, air transport and environmental protection. We have always prioritized compliance to ICAO and will continue with this practice. Malaysia also supports new initiatives and the adoption of new standards in shaping the future of global aviation.
  4. The Government of Malaysia had established in February 2018, The Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) to replace the Department of Civil Aviation as the technical regulatory body. CAAM is empowered with necessary legislation, is autonomous and self-funded to provide effective safety and security and oversight. With this new structure, Malaysia will continue to ensure the highest standards of safety and security in compliance to ICAO and the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
  5. In line with ICAO’s strategic objective of air navigation capacity and efficiency, Malaysia made a significant investment and commissioned a new Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control Center. This new Centre will sustain the rapidly expanding air traffic over the Kuala Lumpur Flight Information Region and facilitate three runway operations at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
  6. With regard to our legal obligations, Malaysia has ratified the Protocol to Amend the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft (MP14) and the Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation [Article 50(a)] to increase size of the Council from 36 to 40 members. We have also ratified the Protocol of Amendment to Article 56 to increase membership of the Air Navigation Commission from 19 to 21.
  7. On environment, we pledge to support ICAO’s Global Market-Based Measures. Malaysia recognises the need to prioritise environmental sustainability and is committed to fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals towards reducing carbon emissions by 40%. Malaysia is also one of the earliest states to voluntarily participate in the pilot phase of the CORSIA.
  8. Malaysia is one of the palm oil producing countries. To ensure sustainability of the industry, we introduced the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme in 2013, which wholly and clearly addresses global concerns on the sustainable production of palm oil, including that of biodiversity loss, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the destruction of wildlife habitats. Thus, Malaysia hopes that Crude Palm Oil (CPO) will be included as acceptable feedstock in CORSIA.
  9. In support of ICAO’s No Country Left Behind campaign, Malaysia has also signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission, the African Civil Aviation Commission, and the Arab Civil Aviation Commission. These MOUs enables enhanced knowledge sharing, capacity building as well as technical and skill-sets development.
  10. The Malaysian Aviation Academy, which is the training arm of the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia, has been a full Member of the ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Programme network of training organisations, since May 2016.
  11. Malaysia has invested much in human resource through training programmes as we are aware that the industry would require much more skilled personnel especially air traffic controllers and security personnel.
  12. In this regard, the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) is an international technical cooperation programme, which shares Malaysia’s development experiences. Under the auspices of this technical programme, 426 aviation personnel from 112 countries have been trained at Malaysia Aviation Academy. The training for these personnel were fully sponsored by the Malaysia Government. In addition, 204 participants from 19 countries have received aviation security training at the ICAO accredited Malaysia Airports Training Centre.
  13. Let me state here that Malaysia is keen to expand its training programmes in aviation for ICAO member states in addressing the challenge of continued availability of skilled aviation personnel.
  14. We are aware that environment, safety and security issues are fundamental to the mission of ICAO. In this regard, Malaysia will continue to make voluntary financial contributions to ICAO’s Environmental Protection Fund, The African Aviation Security and Facilitation Plan (AFI-SECFAL) as well as ICAO’s Aviation Safety and Security fund.
  15. During the last Session of the Assembly in 2016, Malaysia was once again re-elected to the Council of ICAO for the fourth consecutive term. We appreciate the support of all Member States. We wish to continue our active participation and contribute more to international civil aviation through the Council of ICAO.
  16. Malaysia is seeking re-election to the Council of ICAO at this 40th Session in Part III. We attach great importance to our role in the Council. We will strive for continued improvements and strong governance. We will work with all Contracting States in representing the interest of Asia Pacific States. We look forward to your continuing endorsement and support for Malaysia’s membership on the Council to effectively serve ICAO. Here I again seek the support of all Contracting States.
  17. Let me conclude here by once again acknowledging, ICAO’s leading role in the global development of aviation and reiterating Malaysia’s commitment to the Organisation. Malaysia pledges to make further contributions to ICAO and share our expertise and experiences with other member states. Malaysia pledges to work with ICAO and the international community for global aviation.

Thank you.

Loke Siew Fook
Minister of Transport Malaysia

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