Lifestyle, Fashion & Wellness

Tips to avoid ‘over-shopping during MCO 3.0


Have you tried to book online grocery delivery recently? There are not many slots left or totally gone, while you were browsing for more items to add. Some said it is due to the imposed movement control order (MCO) 3.0 which will start from 1st of June till 14th of June nationwide. It is a total lockdown, well except for the exempted industries and services.

And people panic over not enough groceries to stock up? Well, that is not the first time too. It happened during MCO 1.0. In the past two to three days, netizens have been sharing pictures of the long queues at supermarkets, hyper stores, or mini-marts to stock the essentials. Considering it is still within the salary received week, the spending is bloated, better be safe than sorry? Yes, let’s buy more.

Then it leaves those who are really in a dire situation to get just one pack of milk, diaper, or other essentials like cooking oil, pack of sugar or a pack of rice to be devastated when it is their turn to go into the mall to shop. Remember, we have a longer queue now. Then they must go rounds and rounds to other shops to look for these essentials.

Guys, it is a rare case for abled Malaysian to die due to lack of food. It is the opposite, due to obesity and other related chronic illness. Unless you are very poor and do not have access to or deprived of food, it is unlikely. But, in this pandemic, it is proven, you may become ill due to Covid-19. So, stay away from crowded places for too long. Practice social distancing, wear a proper mask, and always wash your hand.

Back to the over-stocking of food, something like a meal planner can help. Depending on the household members, dietary requirement, and how many meals per day, you can plan for a weekly meal. There is no reason to hoard 5 loaves of bread when the due date is on the same day. Unless, you are baking bread pudding, mini pizza Gardenia or bread fritters (cucur roti). And do not forget to share with your elderly neighbors. They may miss out on the last bread on the shelf that day. If everything else fails, you always have Food Panda, Grab Food, Bungkusit, Happy Fresh, and many more to order in the following week.

We can still shop every other day if your freezer size is medium to small. No worries, just practice the necessary precaution, you can get your essentials from nearby shops. Unless the craving is for salmon steak, lobster, ribeye steak, or fresh salmon head curry, you can always try the online shopping platform. They are proven to be reliable in keeping the Malaysian’s palate satisfied.

Till then, stay safe and stay healthy!

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