BANDAR BAHARU, 18 March 2025 – The Minister of Home Affairs, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, last night joined the Enforcement and Control Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) in continuing efforts to enliven Ramadan at Masjid Al-Islah, Kampung Permatang Kerat Telunjuk, Bandar Baharu, Kedah. The program was further enhanced by the Nuzul Quran celebration, attended by tahfiz students and the local community.
During the event, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution presented Quran donations to representatives of 18 mosques around Bandar Baharu. He also praised the Enforcement and Control Division’s efforts in ensuring compliance with the Printing of Quranic Texts Act 1986 through Ops Mulia, as well as implementing the Quran Dignity Program to dispose of damaged or invalid copies.
According to the Home Minister, Ops Mulia has recorded outstanding achievements to date. Based on the statistics he shared, a total of 794 premises have been inspected, with seizures valued at RM502,737, involving 19,682 Quranic materials and 734 Quran copies, alongside the opening of 88 investigation papers. For the year 2024, 822 premises were inspected, with seizures amounting to RM2.7 million, including 8,212 Quran copies and 11,694 Quranic materials, and 160 investigation papers opened.
He urged the public to only obtain KDN-certified Quran copies to ensure their authenticity and sanctity. “This is crucial to ensure the sacred text of the Quran remains preserved,” he said.
Datuk Seri Saifuddin also expressed his gratitude to the congregation of Masjid Al-Islah, the residents of Kampung Permatang Kerat Telunjuk, and the Enforcement and Control Division for their cooperation in making the program a success.
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