Ewin expressed his gratitude for the support, stating, “We would like to thank Asian Agri for the timely assistance. This aid, especially in the form of rice and instant noodles, is crucial to those affected by the floods. We will work with the Pelalawan Regency Flood Victim Handling Team to ensure that the aid reaches the affected areas. The floods, which have been ongoing for almost two weeks due to the overflowing Kampar River, have caused significant disruptions and we hope that more companies will follow suit in supporting the victims of this disaster.”
PT MUP extended similar support by distributing food supplies to the residents in Langgam District, which were received by Maskandar, Head of Langgam District. Maskandar acknowledged the company’s generosity, stating, “We are grateful to Asian Agri for their concern. The food supplies will be collected and distributed by local officers to the evacuation posts, particularly in Langgam Village and Tambak Village, where the floods impact has been the most severe.”
Asian Agri’s Sustainability Operation and CSR Manager, Putu Grhyate Yonata Aksa, commented on the initiative, “We understand the enormous impact that this disaster has had on the local communities, and we feel compelled to provide assistance. We hope that this contribution can help ease the burden of those affected by the flood. Our support is a demonstration of our ongoing commitment to the well-being of the communities in Pangkalan Kerinci and Langgam, and we pray for the floodwaters to recede soon and for the situation to improve.”