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Mahathir should not question the loyalty of Malaysian Indians and Chinese

Minister of Digital, Gobind Singh Deo.

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad should not question the loyalty of Malaysian Indians and Chinese to this country just because they speak their native languages and profess their own cultures and customs.

It is most unfortunate that despite helming this country for many years, Dr Mahathir still finds it fit to make statements which are divisive in nature particularly where it comes to race.

Malaysia is a multiracial country. Its people come from different religious and cultural backgrounds. The Federal Constitution expressly recognises this and makes it abundantly clear that except as expressly authorised by the Constitution itself, there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender in any law.

It is also commonly accepted that many of our citizens speak more than one language, most of whom are conversant in Bahasa Malaysia and their own native language which include amongst others, Chinese, Tamil, Iban or Kadazan.

This has never been a problem for us. Instead, it is that very diversity which has strengthened us and places us in a position to benefit from a world today which is largely globalised.

Dr Mahathir must acknowledge that all Malaysians be they Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sabahans or Sarawakians have worked and still work hard to build this country. There is nothing wrong with the fact that we come from different racial, religious and cultural backgrounds at all or speak different languages. We are indeed Malaysian and loyal to our country.

Minister of Digital,
Deputy National Chairman DAP Malaysia,
Member of Parliament Damansara.

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