30th October 2023 – The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC) in collaboration with the Istana Budaya, the National Department of Culture and Arts (JKKN) and Sabah state government agencies had successfully organised the Echoes of ASEAN Bronze 2023 programme in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah from 26 to 31 October 2023.

A total of 23 delegations from 10 ASEAN countries participated in this 6-days program. This program managed to attract approximately 20,000 audience who attended the concert held on the 28th and 29th October at Lintasan Deasoka, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
A project funded by the ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information (ASEAN-COCI) grant, the Echoes of ASEAN Bronze was represented by participants from all ASEAN Member States and the ASEAN Secretariat. The programme is aligned with the 2000 ASEAN Declaration on Cultural Heritage that underlines the commitment of each ASEAN Member Country to identify, delineate, protect, conserve, promote, develop and transmit to future generations the significant cultural heritage of ASEAN region.
With the main objective of sharing best practices and exchanging experience among ASEAN Member States through workshops, arts and music performance, this programme strengthens cultural cooperation through composition, documentation, and music performance. It also enhances greater understanding and appreciation of the arts, music and cultural performance in the region by unifying ASEAN Member States through musical instruments made from bronze, classified as “idiophones”, a term which refers to a group of musical instruments that produce sound through vibrations
The YAB Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Anwar Bin Ibrahim, recently announced in Belanjawan 2024, RM350 million for the assistance to more than 200 cultural activists in organizing art and cultural activities, RM10 million is allocated to work with the state government,include to intensify cultural activities in Sabah and Sarawak and RM50 million to agencies that have the potential to highlight national works of art and literature, intensify heritage theatre performances and foster an interest in reading masterpieces among the youth.
The opening ceremony of the programme was jointly officiated by YB Datuk Christina Liew, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment Sabah representing YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Bin Haji Noor, Chief Minister of Sabah and the Ybhg. Dato Roslan Tan Sri Abdul Rahman, SecretaryGeneral MOTAC representing YB Dato Sri Tiong King Sing, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia on 28 October 2023 at Lintasan Deasoka, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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