Music & Entertainment


What | If

She is an actress that you’d simply adore. From her cutie-sweet performance, “You had me at Hello” in Jerry Maguire (alongside Tom Cruise), then her bubbly persona romancing Mark Darcy (played by Colin Firth) in Bridget Jones’s Diary, she can relate herself to many women out there.

As I grow watching Renee Zellweger, the more I feel her movies associated to the many things I encountered in life.

It is always like that right?

You fall in love with a certain tune, and then you feel the song described your emotion perfectly. They say it has something to do with chemical reaction, where body and mind agrees that this song works right now, and you succumb to every bait of the lyrics. And the lines become your life story.

Going back to Renee Zellweger, she led a far fabulous life than mine, but mine is as exciting as it is. Well, comparing your life with others is a no-no, even with the stars. You can admire, but never compare. You are beautiful as you are. Trust me on that.

So, when I had the chance to watch What/If on Netflix, I was excited to see Renee again. Now she is Anne Montgomery, a wealthy businesswoman with an interesting proposal to Lisa. I fall in love with Anne Montgomery because it’s Renee that I decided to binge watching the whole season.

This time, Renee showed her strong-willed performance of a woman who gets what she wants, well by putting another woman in misery. It plays the motivation of what you’d do and the extent you would go to get what you want.

Anne’s way is to let her spend one night alone with your husband, and she will fund your multi million dollars research. No questions asked, and it is sealed in a contract that will void all the monetary support. Would you still do it?

You know how curiosity killed the cat?

That’s becoming the underlying message in this story. As much as I adore the steely eyed Renee in this story, I hated her guts and Lisa’s gullibility to her offer. What were you thinking?

But then, I saw Renee again. When Anne cried in one of the episodes, she was at her old house (where it all began). That’s a cry of a women who have seen so much and doing all that she can to stay alive. I can relate to that, but no one offered me the millions of dollars yet.

If you are a fan, you can search for What/If to see Renee as Anne Montgomery.

She got me at Hello!

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