Makan-makan or simply makan, always bring family closer and together. If you are looking for something new to try or missing Penang, or just want to take a day off from cooking, why not you try Nasi Dalca Bawang Penang.
The sumptuous Nasi Dalca Bawang Penang presenting its selection!
For our lunch earlier this week, we were treated like ‘domestic- tourist- at-home’ with a few pairings of nasi dalca. It was with fried chicken, rose chicken and daging masak hitam (beef in delectable thick black gravy), dalca curry of course, green beans with chicken liver and acar cucumber with pineapple. Star of the menu is its fried onion or bawang goreng added to the nasi dalca.
How to eat:
Perfect pairing for me will be with the daging masak hitam, with enough dalca to smoother the side, crunchy fresh green chilli. Of course, there’s always hardboiled egg.
The combination of flavours dancing in my mouth is unexplainable. Once in a while, I crunch the green chilli to give a punch to the orchestra. It was so good that we only stop to scoop more dalca or to pinch each other’s meat.
The kids love the fried chicken. It was crunchy, yet moist in the inside.
It was officially confirmed that the bawang goreng/friend onion in the rice is the reason for the unstoppable munching. The combo was just right, with added kick and spiciness.
The ayam rose is another pairing with nasi dalca. You get that ‘kenduri’ feeling with this one. So, you do the steps to get the balance right, gravy, meat, chilli and repeat. Yup, the bawang goreng is the binder. I said it again.
If you are thinking of makan-makan at home, they do deliver to your doorstep.
Enjoy the ‘before’ picture as I definitely enjoy the after 😊!

The Nasi Dalca Bawang Penang can be reach at
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