Kenyataan Media

The Save Malaysia mission of the 14th General Election is still very valid and relevant, as we do not want to revert to a global kleptocracy, and even worse, become a kakistocracy with the worst elements who practice dishonesty, perfidy and corruption in the government


DAP is holding an emergency Central Executive Committee meeting today on the extraordinary political developments in the country  and we should wait for the outcome of the meeting.

However, let me comment on postings  that went viral on the social media yesterday –  one  with the heading: “Kit Siang di kesan berada di airport, mau lari ka…?” with photograph of me at an airport  and another by an UMNO leader with the heading: “Mohon standby di airport, tahan pemimpin DAP, PKR, PAN yang nak lari keluar negara – Azri”.

I was at the Penang Airport last night waiting for the flight to Kuala Lumpur to attend P. Gunasegaram court cases today, and the question of my running away from Malaysia was never in my mind.

In fact, the thought of running away from Malaysia never entered into the mind of any DAP leader, for we are not thieves, robbers or rogues, but dedicated and patriotic Malaysians who want to end Malaysia plunging along the trajectory of a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state.

DAP men and women want to do good for the country for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region.  We are in politics because we believe that politics is an honest, honourable and even noble avenue to make Malaysia a better nation for our children and children’s children; that it is politicians and not politics which is dirty; and we hold to this belief.

The Save Malaysia mission of the 14th General Election is still very valid and relevant, as we do not want to revert to a global kleptocracy, and even worse, become a kakistocracy with the worst elements who practice dishonesty, perfidy and corruption in the government.

There are attempts to carry out a coup against the decision of Malaysian voters in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 by forming a back-door government which will betray and negate the promises of Pakatan Harapan for a New Malaysia.

Imagine those who had propped up a kleptocratic regime for a decade now claiming to be the vanguard of a clean Malaysia with zero tolerance for corruption?

Lim Kit Siang

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