Photos Credit to MOHR
PUTRAJAYA 27 May 2019 – The National Labour Advisory Council (NLAC) has concluded its Fifth (5th) Meeting for this year and through it’s platform various Technical Meeting have been established to deliberate in details issues pertaining to labour laws amendments, enhancing employability, future of work and other matters, said Minister of Human Resources, YB M. Kula Segaran in a press statement today.
” On the 30th April 2019, the Ministry of Human Resources and stakeholders had agreed on certain aspects in Technical Committee regarding the post-arrival training for foreign workers and also health screening matters, among others are The implementation of post arrival training for foreign workers and health screening matters will be conducted separately; and Post arrival training’s module will be developed as tripartite and will be conducted as in house training by the employers.
In today’s meeting, Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) under the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) has presented the palm oil industry brief story in Malaysia, from history and background, to the economy and its importance to the country (trade impacts) as well as market issues and challenges faced. Malaysia plays an important role 2 in palm oil industry as one of the biggest producers and exporters of palm oil and palm oil products in the world. ” he said.
The Minister also added that Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC) under MPI has also presented the status on Industri Sawit Negara, including environmental issues caused by the palm oil industry and its sustainability.
The sixth (6th) NLAC meeting will be held on 27 June 2019.
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