Kenyataan Media

Up close and personal with YB Wong Siew Ki (Part 1)


The lady that sat across our table on the rainy Saturday is unmistakably comfortable in her baju kurung. She’s scheduled for another appointment later. We met for an interview, promised after the byelection result. In between the busy schedule of meetings, visits and entertaining official function, we found time for an up close and personal. We want to find out what’s changes after Ms Wong Siew Ki enter the office as the people’s representative for Balakong constituency.

For one, she seemed more relaxed now from the last time we met. I understand, the stress of the election has shifted to become the good stress that pumped her adrenaline to serve the people in her constituency. She is as committed, and ever wanting to know if there’s anything can be improved. Our discussion varies from personal to her current political position.

So what changes?

Personally, I know her family and close friends must be brimming with pride after she won the election. It was no secret that her campaign was done with many big guns attending the road shows. It did not only give the public a perception of cooperation within the party, but it also showed trust and cooperation at a different level. From a parent’s perspective, it amplified their belief that their daughter is capable and will deliver her promises.

But not taking the win easily, she took it as a wake up call, that the party must not be comfortable and must work on improving the public’s acceptance. The period of 5 years is a time to serve and to fulfill promises.

Backed with plans for her community, what YB Wong can share is her mission to get youth involvement in community work. The spirit of volunteerism is something that she wants to foster within the youth community as they will be a strategic investment for the future of Balakong and the country. Youth volunteerism can be steered to make the community more collective and united to address social issues. They can be engineered to promote better well-being and livelihood of the community. It is targeted at youth aged between 15 to 20 years old and the suitable activities will be identified and promoted once ready.

For the working community and seniors, our new YB is looking towards more engagement with the community. One of the key role is through the Majlis Perwakilan Penduduk (MPP), where every area will have a rep that will address the community issues. This will streamline the grievance’s management and will address pressing matters faster. For women, the role of the Pusat Wanita Berdaya (PWB) will be further strengthen with more relevant activities for the women. YB Wong also shared that she has the idea to enliven the function of these centers with rotation system with activities that can be shared with all within the community.

Her concern on the environmental can be seen with the plans she has in the constituency. She went philosophical on the state of river which will reflect the state of the society. River as the source of life, if it’s well taken care will benefit the community in so many ways that it cannot be quantifiable. It will also mark the civic standard towards cleanliness and environmental awareness within the community.

With many community focused plan, I asked her inspiration of the future Balakong. Many times, we’ll hear promise of the moon and stars, but what she has in mind about Balakong is to give it it’s real value. But she is not talking about materialistic values, but Balakong as a place that is liveable, a harmonious place where society can grow and where youth will come back to contribute. It will take much love and dedication, but indeed Balakong has now a special place in her heart.

But what I can say is, you will never be alone in doing good deeds. Thank you YB Wong Siew Ki.

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